Some people eat, sleep and chew gum, I do genealogy and write...

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Get started now with the AncestorCloud Marketplace

For sometime now, I have been hearing about a new startup concept called The company was at RootsTech 2015 and you might have seen them there. The video above explains the service. is essentially building a marketplace for buying and selling genealogical research, tasks, assistance, lookups, gravestone images, research questions, putting bounties on ancestors and a whole lot more. The AncestorCloud community will connect genealogists globally based on their expertise, needs and physical location. If you need a research project done, half way around the world, the AncestorCloud will provide the contact. The website is going live today.

Initially, the website will be dedicated to building a database of beginners, professionals or hobbyists. An account is free; forever. This is the first step. AncestorCloud already has a base of genealogists from eight different countries waiting to provide services.

Once the genealogists are in place, the marketplace will open and individuals can connect and open an account. The marketplace allows genealogists to both offer services for a fee and also purchase services for a fee.

Interested genealogists or researchers can search in multiple ways to find other genealogists that they can contact or ask for help; they can browse globally individuals in different areas of the world.

Whether you need help or think you would like to help someone else out and get paid for your services,  join the community

You can become either a seeker or a helper.

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